MATH > Íslenski Dansflokkurinn > 2007

Nútímadansverk eftir Ólöfu Ingólfsdóttur.

Tónlist: Hallur Ingólfsson.

UM VERKIÐ: I have been told that one + one = two. Yes, yes that is true. I have also heard that two + zero = two. Yes, yes that is also true. Yes, yes, yes one + one or two + zero, it is all the same, it is the same thing. Yes, maybe, yes or maybe not. Maybe two + zero = two zeros. And where am I in all this math?

UM TÓNLISTINA: Sérstaklega var beðið um hlutlausa og átakalausa tónlist sem fellur vel að átökunum í verkinu.

[ T Ó N D Æ M I ]
